Holy Shit.

Holy Shit.

These croissants are so simple to make (well they are if you’re using store-bought croissants. Add an extra day or two if you’re making your own croissants!!).

We start by slicing the croissants length ways. Not all the way through, just enough to form a deep pocket.
Then we take a slice of cheese (I use Leerdammer) fold it, top with a folded slice of ham and top that with another folded slice of cheese. Stuff that layered up cheese and ham into the croissant.
Repeat until all of the croissants are filled.
For the topping, mix together Dijon mustardhoney and brown sugar and brush on top of the croissants. Then sprinkle with poppy seeds and place in the oven at 190C/375F for 6/7 minutes, until the cheese has melted.

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